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Wednesday, January 22, 2014

U.S. Army’s Elite Special Forces Train With Local Cops In A Secretive Joint Exercise

Unwarranted NSA surveillance, the passage of NDAA, stop and frisk programs, and the rise of warrior cops, have essentially turned America into a centralized police state.

Blurring the lines between the U.S. military and local sheriff departments sets a dangerous precedent that erodes freedom and civil liberties.

Those lines are being blurred right now in South Carolina.

According to The State, the Richland County Sheriff’s Department will participate in secretive joint exercise Monday and Tuesday with unnamed units from Ft. Bragg.



  1. Boil the issue down to ONE simple question --- Why are civilian police training and coordinating their actions with MILITARY UNITS in the United States?
    Then, come back and tell us about "tin-foil hats".
    You better either start or continue to buy guns and ammo. They sure as hell are and that ain't no paranoid delusion. That's a fact.

  2. This goes hand in hand with the "surplus" war equipment that LE entities get for free.

  3. Yeah, you'd better give Mike Lewis a raise

  4. Hopefully this includes lots of range time.

  5. Obama is preparing to crush the rebellion against his Communist takeover of the U.S.
    He has begun the psychological demonization of the populous and the economic destruction. The plan is taking shape...
    And we wear the tin foil hats?

  6. Excellent training, local PD should do as much as possible to deal with our ever increasingly violent country.

  7. 5:15 you think it is violent now? Try doing some research, historically it was much worse.

    War games are not appropriate domestically.

    You do not come across as very bright.

  8. Member of Oath KeepersJanuary 22, 2014 at 11:15 PM



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