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Thursday, January 23, 2014

Under Obama Food Stamps Become A Middle-Class Entitlement: 1 In 5 US Households On Govt Assistance

The Democrats, led by their indomitable leader and our amazing community organizer in chief Barack Obama, always push handouts as a way to restore economic activity and stimulate a recovery. In case any of you agree with this, there is newly released data that puts the lie to this notion

According to the US Department of Agriculture (USDA), a record 20 percent of all American households were on food stamps in 2013. This is the highest level since the program began. There are also a record number of individual people enrolled in the food stamp program, also known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP for short. According to the USDA there were 23,052,388 US households on the food stamp program during an average month in fiscal 2013. This represents an increase of nearly a million (722,675 to be exact) from fiscal 2012.



  1. Lets go 5 out 5. Then we can be like North Korea where the government distributes food to the sheeple. Don't suppose for a minute everyone gets the same amount, in communism there is always three tiers:
    1. The party elite - Food is close to Western standards
    2. The average sheeple - Bare minimum to survive
    3. Enemies of the state (usually around 25% of the population) starvation diet, if you die the state uses the corpse for fertilizer for tier 2 food.

  2. Vote Hillary in, she'll fix everything.


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