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Sunday, January 26, 2014

Two Juveniles Arrested In Pittsville For Break In & Entering

I got a phone call Monday morning, (BROAD DAYLIGHT) telling me they just saw a group of kids trying to break into my building in Pittsville. 

I called the Sheriff's Department and headed to Pittsville to see if they had caused any damage, they had. 

When I arrived they had pried open a bay door and snapped the steel locking mechanism to get in. I saw they had one guy handcuffed and the other was in the back of the car. They admitted to breaking into the building as well as theft. 

Here's what got me. One of them is a Volunteer Firefighter, allegedly from Sharptown. Ever since the last break in, neighbors have been keeping a keen eye on ALL properties in Pittsville because like everywhere else, crime is UP, not down. 

My hat is tipped to the WCSO for being extremely quick to respond and making these arrests. Considering it is a holiday and many are short staffed, three Officers arrived in no time. 

I want to also thank the people that called in the burglary. Community policing at its best.


  1. Congratulations on catching those thieves and vandals. Now if the court system will make them pay with fines and/or time...and not nol pros the case.

  2. Glad they caught them. Just curious, when did the County start using convertibles? ;)

  3. My house was broken into this past year. WCSO was there within seconds of calling them. They ended up getting the guy. As a former law enforcement officer, I realize that it takes time to get to a call, but WOW these guys are good.

    Great job WCSO!

  4. anonymous 10:01, I couldn't agree more!

    Everyone should think about just how large the County is and the fact that, (I believe) they have less Officers than the City of Salisbury.

    No one can be everywhere but let me tell you, I was extremely impressed and like I said, yesterday was a Holiday and many people were off, including the Sheriff's Office.

  5. This shows the merit of a county police dept.

  6. These cops have no disability insurance thru the county what a shame for dedicated employees.

  7. Is that Lee Stevens standing out there? He is every where. I honestly believe Lee is responsible for locating and arresting those degenerates. When the Chief Deputy, Gary Baker retires, Sheriff Mike Lewis will have the opportunity to promote Lee to that position. I think the community should show/express its support for Lee in this matter. Way to go Lee. We love you man.

  8. I agree with 9:05 let's see how this go through the system - Joe this would be a great news story for you to follow - my predication stet - or nol process - Sorry to hear about this though - as a fellow business owner I feel your pain!!!

  9. No Lee was home getting new lifts in his shoes. Then he was going to polish his rifle. Sorry he was not there but he is a GREAT cop. I did not see Mike Lewis anywhere. Wow you mean they can actually lock people up without Mikey. lol Great job deputies you guys have always rocked in my book.

  10. If it wasnt for Mike Lewis they would have got away aleast that is what everybody thinks


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