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Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Today's Survey Question 1-22-14

Do you think the NFL should do away 
with the extra point field goal kick?


  1. I think they should do away with kicker. make the guy who scored the TD kick the extra point.

  2. Make it a 50 yard attempt.
    Do not get rid of it.

  3. No. Maybe make it from the 35 yard line.

  4. I agree with anonymous 8:16. Make it at least 35 or 40 yds.

  5. The NFL should do away with Roger Goodell.

  6. Quite frankly my dear I don't give a damn - either way

  7. No, they should leave the game alone. Hell, they should have left the game alone long ago. Miss those head hunting hits.

  8. Naw.
    That would take some of the fire out of the game, betting possibilities away from the games and reduce advertiser revenues.

  9. no--- maybe make it more challenging, say 30 yards...

  10. I really like the previous comment about whomever scores the touchdown should kick the extra point. That would add a whole new dynamic and better strategy to the game. Think about the possibilities!

  11. anonymous 10:58, I also thought it was very creative. To take it one step further, IF by chance the person who scores the touchdown conveniently gets injured they have to agree to keep him out of the game for the rest of the game. His replacement should be the last guy who MISSED his last attempt.

  12. Make the head coach kick it.


  13. Current rules are predictable: 1 point kick, where a failed try can cause occasional problems in final score, or 2 points for a successful run or pass. Lot to be said for not screwing with it.

    However if they’re bound and determined to shake it up how about these possibilities?

    1)PAT placed at the 5 yard hashmark; right hash for 1st & 3rd period scores, left for 2nd & 4th period.

    2)PAT placed at 5 yard hashmark opposite kicker’s kicking foot (rightie kicks from left; leftie from right). Sharpens the angle.

    3)Scoring team can choose how many points they want to go for with one (1) extra point for every additional 5 yards they try from. From the 5 = 1 point; from the 10 = 2 points and so on. Kicks a maximum of 3 points. Only a run or kick option from the 5 or 10; kicks from hashmark specified by defense. Passing becomes an option from the 15 yard mark back. Runs and passes placed at trying team option. Interference on passing play gets retry from same spot but with only 10 men on defense.

    4)PAT kicks by QB playing on scoring play. If he was injured on that play, head coach makes the kick. Same hashmark spot as #2 above.

    5)Following unsuccessful extra point(s) attempts by run or pass the ensuing kick-off is placed at the same spot for the kick. (Example: attempted 5 extra points from 25 and failed; kicking off from the 25). If you gamble big and lose, you can lose big, too.

    On a related topic: Pass Interference. Offense has an advantage due to the inconsistent way it’s called. I’d give them First Down and maximum of 10 yard gain. If there are two interference calls on either offense or defense in a series, on the next play the offending team plays with 10 men.

    It’s almost hot stove league time so just responding to the question.

  14. I liked the 50 yard dash that replaced the coin toss.It was in that short lived league that Vince McMahon created some years ago.

  15. I think they should take out the field goal and make teams score touchdown. Play real football. My opinion. I played football years ago and that is the way we did it.

  16. No. Move it back if they need to change something.

  17. Don't take the kick away...how else is a nerdy little ex-soccer player supposed to make a living?

  18. No, if it is not broke don't try to fix it.


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