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Friday, January 17, 2014

The Internet Is Dead, Long Live the Internet!

The internet as we know it is dead.

On Tuesday, the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals, the second most important court in the country after the Supreme Court, struck down the FCC’s Open Internet Order, the legal framework that protects net neutrality.

This is nothing short of a disaster.

The idea behind net neutrality is pretty simple: big corporate internet service providers, like Verizon, should have to treat all websites and all web users equally and should not be allowed to treat the internet like their own personal toll road.

They should not be allowed, for example, to run your music website at crappy speeds just because that music site could compete with a Verizon-owned music website.


  1. It just keeps getting better huh......they are pushing us as a nation over the edge on purpose.

  2. Yep our Muslim president.

  3. 8:24. Nothing to do with Obama. Read the article. George Bush. 2002.


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