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Thursday, January 16, 2014

The EPA’s Privacy Problem

Farmers and ranchers sue after the EPA releases confidential information to environmental groups.

The fire at San Joaquin Valley’s Harris Farms burst out suddenly and rapidly, consuming 14 trailer trucks in the dawn of January 8, 2012. Wreaking more than $2 million in damage, it constituted one of the biggest acts of agro-terrorism in American history.

An anonymous news release issued by the Animal Liberation Front, a radical animal-rights group, explained that unnamed activists had placed containers of kerosene and digital timers beneath the trucks, linking them with kerosene-soaked rope to carry the fire down the row, “a tactic adapted from Home Alone 2.” The statement concludes threateningly: “until next time.” The perpetrators remain uncaught.


1 comment:

  1. Wish these "agro terrorists" would come play in my world. Opossum, racoons, cats and dogs get boring after a while.


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