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Saturday, January 04, 2014

The Contraception Mandate And The Constitution

The administration and its allies have profoundly twisted the meaning of the Constitution.

Of all the cases that can be wielded against the casual use of propaganda, perhaps the strongest is that, eventually, it will make us all stupid.

For a beautiful example of this principle in action, one need look no further than to the paucity of the arguments that progressives are deploying in favor of the so-called “contraception mandate.” It has now been nearly two years since the hapless HHS secretary, Kathleen Sebelius, announced the measure, and since that time the lawsuits and the rulings have piled up, the Supreme Court has taken up the case, and the issue has been discussed interminably on cable news and beyond. And yet, despite the issue’s having been front and center for nearly two years, the Left’s performances have arguably become worse, not better. Time, it seems, is running backwards.


1 comment:

  1. Do they only employ Catholics? they are trying to force their religious beliefs on their employees. Totally wrong.


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