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Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Texas Judge Orders Home Schooled Children Removed From Christian Parents Home

Texas home school families need to take note of this case. While the parents won, and should never have had their children taken, it is still an lesson in how the attitudes and beliefs of social workers can override the law. It seems to me that these judges and case workers need some kind of in-service training on home school laws.

Mr. and Mrs. Tutt are a Christian family who has their own children and foster children. They home school. Unlike most couples, they are equipped to handle special needs children who are particularly difficult to place. They recently had a temporary placement, a small child with autism, who wondered off. While he was found a short way from the home (the father was looking for him) by a police officer, Child Protective Services (CPS) followed up the investigation with a home visit.

“According to a recent article from the Texas Home School Coalition (THSC), a CPS caseworker investigated the Tutt family’s home and concluded by saying, “There is no problem here.” However, the caseworker also remarked,“Nobody in their right mind would want to stay home all day with so many children!” and ordered Mrs. Tutt to enroll in parenting classes and take a psychological examination.
Despite the fact that Mrs. Tutt showed CPS workers numerous parenting class certificates and paperwork certifying her mental health, a local judge ordered the Tutts’ seven children to be removed from the home. In November, armed constables seized the children and kept them under government custody for nearly two months.”



  1. Actions against these liberal statist judges should be executed for their unconstitutional treason.

  2. never trust social services or any other form of government agency.

  3. Home schooled children always excel academically over the dumbed down government school children. The socialists can't have thinking children that grow up to thinking adults that work to overthrow socialism.


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