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Friday, January 24, 2014

Texas Executes Illegal Alien Cop Killer — Despite Pleas From Mexico And John Kerry

Thank you Texas!

After a disgraceful wait of 20 years since Edgar Arias Tamayo murdered Houston police officer Guy P. Gaddis in 1994, and despite repeated pleas from U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and demands from the Mexican government,Tamayo was finally executed minutes ago by lethal injection.

Although his execution was originally scheduled for 6pm Texas time Wednesday evening, an Obama-appointed judge senselessly threw the case up to the U.S. Supreme Court to review his absurd “appeals” (based solely on the “consular” nonsense — Tamayo has never denied his guilt).

Finally at 9pm EST, the Supreme Court denied his appeals, 6-3, and the execution was on. At 9:32 Tamayo was finally put down.



  1. Just great.Now the other aliens will get PO'd and most likely blow up planet Earth.Great job Texas.You doomed us all!

  2. like the DOG that he was bin voyage.

  3. Thank you Texas. Too bad Maryland isn't like Texas. For that matter to bad the whole country isn't like Texas.

  4. Texas needs to become it's own country, and leave the rest of the dummocrate run states.

  5. Texas exercises their executions in a timely matter, if all states could just step it up.

  6. "Tamayo was finally put down."
    I like that phrase.., very fitting for these animals.

  7. After 20 years , they should install an express lane for the death penalty .

  8. 20 years is too long for a criminal to be on the tax payers dole. execute them sooner. that would be a big savings and prevent over crowding.

  9. 8:51 Agreed... how about never even letting them see a court!

  10. I could put them down and go eat a sandwich!

  11. We really should deport all illegal immigrants. Why are people trying to defend him? He is an illegal immigrant and by ideal views he has no rights in this country, because you have to exist to have rights, and he doesn't exist in documents of this country so by theory he doesn't exist here at all.


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