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Thursday, January 23, 2014

Tennessee Bill Would Shut Down NSA Spy Center

Legislation would cut off water and electricity to facility involved in cracking encrypted data

Legislators in Tennessee have introduced a bill that would ban the state from providing water and electricity to an NSA data center which is currently involved in building supercomputers designed to crack encrypted data.

The Fourth Amendment Protection Act, which mirrors legislation introduced in other states, would prohibit local and state agencies from “providing material support to…any federal agency claiming the power to authorize the collection of electronic data or metadata of any person pursuant to any action not based on a warrant.”

The bill also disincentivizes local companies from doing business with the NSA.

“We have an out of control federal agency spying on pretty much everybody in the world. I don’t think the state of Tennessee should be helping the NSA violate the Constitution and the basic privacy rights of its citizens – and we don’t have to,” said State Sen. Stacey Campfield (R-Knoxville), who introduced the bill. “This bill may not completely stop the NSA, but it will darn sure stop Tennessee from participating in unjustified and illegal activities.”



  1. No brainer for me! Do it!

  2. Tenth Amendment permits this!

  3. Awesome.... Love my Southerners!!

  4. This is one of two things I love about the patron state of shootin' stuff..., the other one is Bristol.

  5. Do it. Cut them off, financially first. Then cut off sewer, water and electricity then condemn the building.
    Eliminate all appropriate state funds, revoke any and all leases and watch them wither on the vine.

  6. And then everyone will bitch when we're left wide open and vulnerable to terrorism.I have nothing to hide.

  7. Obama will just use taxpayer money to authorize them to build the infrastructure themselves.


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