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Monday, January 13, 2014

Stunning Photos of Niagara Falls Freeze

It may be hard to believe, but the gushing waters that make up Niagara Falls froze last week. At least partially. It’s actually not that uncommon: The falls freeze every winter, and last week the arctic blast helped them along. (It hit a low of negative 5 degrees there on Tuesday.)

Even the bitter cold didn’t stop tourists from viewing the falls, however. The temperatures makes Niagara beautiful in an entirely different way, with the waters frozen in time and the notorious mist from the falls blanketing the surrounding area in a thick, white frost.


  1. That was caused by global warming

  2. 559 sit down child and let the adults utilize the facts to debate the issues.

  3. For some reason this image reminds me of my first wife...

  4. Is that a barrel I see in the photo? Someone needs to get that poor guy out.


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