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Monday, January 06, 2014

Stop Radical MD Wage Control Bill

Democrats in Maryland are competing to see who can make Barack Obama blush the most.

Delegate Keith Haynes (D-Baltimore City) just filed a bill to double the state "minimum wage."

Please help Maryland Liberty PAC STOP HB-72 by clicking here.

This wage control bill has been assigned to the Maryland House Economic Matters Committee.

We must make sure that it never gets out of that committee!


  1. If you double the minimum wage, you'll see companies shutting down and leaving this state so fast, your head will spin.

  2. Are you going to let us read the bill before we vote up or down on it?

    Or do we have to pass it in order to find out what's in it?


  3. It's not enough!

    We should all earn the same as the average of what George Soros, Bill Gates and Warren Buffett have for annual income. Only then will our dignity as workers be respected and we'll be able to get the stuff we want.

    As long as you're giving other peoples' money away, don't be a cheapskate!

    /sarc off


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