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Saturday, January 04, 2014

Stop The Bailout - NOW

Republicans can end Obamacare by stopping the impending bailout of insurance companies.

First order of business for the returning Congress: The No Bailout for Insurance Companies Act of 2014.

Make it one line long: “Sections 1341 and 1342 of the Affordable Care Act are hereby repealed.”

End of bill. End of bailout. End of story.

Why do we need it? On December 18, the chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers was asked what was the administration’s Plan B if, because of adverse selection (enrolling too few young and healthies), the insurance companies face financial difficulty.



  1. Right on because they will need one and I dont want to pay for ti.

  2. In order to afford this insurance, we need to be EMPLOYED! When will that happen?


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