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Wednesday, January 29, 2014

State Of The Union: Statement And Rebuttal From The Tenth Amendment Center

Today, the TAC published a letter regarding our position on the State of the Union speech from Pres. Obama tonight. See the full public document below.

It’s short, and pretty much sums up our official rebuttal, which follows:

“We intend to resist each and every unconstitutional act coming from this president and the next.”

We strongly recommend that you join us in using our precious minutes to take some concrete actions which can help nullify the endless mountain of unconstitutional acts which have come from Pres. Obama and his predecessors.

Here are some options:

If you oppose Obamacare, get a list of groups who might agree with you around the state, and make some phone calls to them tonight. Talk to them, encourage them to support legislation to ban its implementation in the state.

Here: http://tenthamendmentcenter.com/obamacare


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