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Friday, January 24, 2014

Speed Camera Complaints Arise in Montgomery, Prince George's, Baltimore City

An Audit of Baltimore City's speed camera program found that error rates were 40% higher than what the city previously acknowledged, according to an article by the Baltimore Sun, and that far more erroneous citations may have been issued than what the city refunded.

The city initially withheld the report from the Baltimore Sun, resisting calls from some city council members to disclose the findings to the public. 

The city issued roughly 700,000 speed camera tickets at $40 each in fiscal year 2012. If 10 percent were wrong, 70,000 would have wrongly been charged $2.8 million.
City Council members reacted with dismay and anger when told Wednesday of the audit's results, asking why the Rawlings-Blake administration didn't reveal the high error rate months ago and take steps to fully refund fines paid by motorists.


  1. Must be grabbing those poor Federal Union members..

    Did you know they have the worst commute in the entire USA?

    they say so-- so it must be true

  2. The Left never studied our Constitution in schoolJanuary 24, 2014 at 3:48 PM

    They violate your due process clause and your right to confront your accuser...

  3. "City Council members reacted with dismay and anger ...asking why the Rawlings-Blake administration didn't reveal the high error rate..."
    The answer is that American business is profoundly unethical.., and the bigger the business the more unethical they are. Most American business is no longer there to offer a service rather, to cheat a customer. I despise to have to deal with any but locally owned businesses. And, that is getting harder and harder to do with the current trend in local gov't.

  4. Not only that The Left never studied our Constitution in school, but the fact that only 2 defenses are allowed: Stolen vehicle or another person driving. It then becomes a case of the defendant having to prove their innocence which everyone with even the basic knowledge of civics, knows turns the burden of proof on it's head.
    Anytime I hear of someone who is in favor of these cameras, I know immediately they are a product of the public school system which of course, is inferiour.

  5. Great Point 4:27...

  6. The day I went to court, the judge explained both scenarios that 427 stated, then proceeded to Nolle Pros about 14 of us. We were outta there in a half hour! That judge must HATE speed cams!

    Got one?, go to court!

  7. The citizens hate them, but our tax, fine, or surcharge politicians (think they represent you? Or your interests??? LOL!) love them. All those indirect taxes give them so much more money to steal and manipulate. if it was a "safety' issue, there would be harsher penalties, but all they want is your money. You can get 20 tickets a month and as long as you pay the fine, you're golden.
    Still falling for the "safety" line or the "its for the children, for God's sake!!" crap they use to keep them up and collecting???
    As far as "freeing up police to fight crime", how's THAT working out here in Salisbury?
    Keep cheering!!

  8. Accident rates are my concern.Have they gone up or down?


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