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Sunday, January 12, 2014

Speaker Bush Of The House of Delegates Refuses To Allow MML President Carl Anderton A Seat On The Floor Today

Throughout history the President of MML is afforded a seat on the floor on the first day Delegates return to session but out of nowhere this morning Candidate Carl Anderton was told there is no room and he is not welcome.

One has to wonder if County Executive and President of MACO Rick Pollitt will be afforded the ability to sit on the House Floor today? We will know the answer to that question shortly.

The Mayor of Delmar Maryland, President of the MML and Candidate for Delegate in District 38 B Carl Anderton is running against Delegate Norm Conway, funny how Carl has been REJECTED.

Let the political games begin. I have not spoken with Mr. Anderton about this matter but I will try to get his opinion on this matter. Knowing Carl as well as I do I can guarantee he is taking it with a sense of humor, so I will do what Carl won't. 

Norm Conway and House delegates need to stop acting like children and show some RESPECT. Just what is Conway afraid of, an honorable man stepping up to the plate against a long term VETERAN. If you're that scared, you must have a LOT to hide. 

VOTE Carl Anderton for State Delegate in District 38B. Meet the man and get to know who and what he's about and I can guarantee you'll enjoy every moment of your time and conversations. He didn't become Mayor of Delmar or President of the MML for nothing. 


  1. Watch out for the MML. They do have a agenda. They have been trying to pass for years allowing counties to asses taxes without going through the state to approve. Careful that doesn't bite you in the butt. They might just decide to tax bloggers???
    Time will tell..

  2. I've met Anderton and he has my vote. I am tired of the dems controlling every aspect of our lives.

  3. No offense and with all due respect to Mr. Conway, but in my opinion he possesses a Fred Flintstone/Barney Rubble mentality and he should consider retiring at the age of 72 because many of us "We The People" have an "In With The New" mentality.

  4. He has dipped at the taxpayers' trough long enough.

  5. dittos 12:08 and I'm 66. I have always been "we the people"...never liberal and never a follower. a capitalist and proud of it. be your own person, be true to yourself, independent.

  6. Another thing I wanted to add is that from what I gather Busch (sp?) & Conway are buddy-buddies and it appears that the black-balling of Atherton may have have been a "joint effort" which is unethical and LOUDLY displays to all of us Voters how cowardly they are and how they are seriously lacking in the "Character Department"

  7. I know Norm personally, and he is truly a nice person. I voted for him every time he ran for delegate. Those days are over. With all the new taxes that O'Malley, he, and the other Democrats have shoved down our throats and the abortion in the White House, I can no longer vote for any Democrat.

  8. Go Carl!!! You will win this election. People in Wicomico are tired of the bullying by Conway and his buddies.

  9. I too have voted for Conway for years but never, ever, again. We need to send a clear message from the taxpayers, Norm hasn't been a friend of ours for years.

  10. 12:35 - I can relate. I HAD been Democrat since I was 18 until a few years ago.

  11. Oh yes, we will hear from our democrat elected officials that Norm brings the pork home. I want to ask at whose expense? Sure we get state funds but with huge tax increases. The Norm Conway mentality needs to be done away and replaced with someone who will be respectful to democrats and republicans alike. Not a rabid democrat who refuses to work with the other side of the aisle. Today's actions with not allowing Anderton his rightful place on the floor is a prime example. Vote Conway out.

  12. 11:55 is mistaken. MML only advocates for municipalities. Any push on that would come from the counties, which are represented by MACO, of which Rick Pollitt is President. MML nor Anderton have anything to do with what you have linked them to. I'm sure it's an honest mistake, but it IS a mistake.

  13. I want all voters to remember this about Norm Conaway as he is out of touch with the voters of the shore

    1. Voted to take your guns away!
    2. Voted to transfer teacher pensions to the counties( even though Norm was an educator in wicomico he had to know the devastation this would create.)
    3.Did nothing to get our portion of our gas tax back for our road maintenance and repairs

    So the long and short is yes norm may be powerful in Annapolis and sit on various committees but what good has that done any of us on the shore. Once again norm is out of touch with the voters on the shore. Lets send him a clear message this next election and thank him for what he has done for us.

  14. Dag, we are on the ball today. Great comments!

  15. 1:17 Norm voted FOR the rain tax!

  16. Yes, Joe. I hope what it means is that the Wicomico County taxpayers are not apathatic. They know exactly what is going on! Which means that they also know that Mr. Conway's time should be over. He is not doing the same job he once did, and really, who does after a million years in office? It's simply time for a change.

  17. Well put l:59. There was a time that Conway, before he became so powerful and his ego became bigger than life, that he worked well with the Eastern Shore Delegation. NO more. We might have a Republican majority locally but he couldn't care less. Conway has served the people but he has now worn out his welcome. Come on home Norm and enjoy the church suppers with Jan.

  18. From what I have noticed, Conway has been making more & more selfish decisions in recent years and it appears as though he is merely looking out for his best interests, as well as his friend's.

    Besides all of the adults suffering, my & other parents' children are suffering unjustifiably in many ways due to Conway's (and other politicians alike) selfishness & greed and he should be ashamed of himself for having little or no regard for our youth who are our nation's future.

    1:59 is absolutely right. The time is NOW for a change...in the right direction that is.

  19. maybe we can find a way to pull his double dipping fat ass out of one of those pensions!

  20. mandatory term limits

  21. Years ago someone must have told Conway to invest in pork bellies, he holds a few himself. Doesn't he realize what an embarrassment he is to be a representative for our area? He doesn't even looks like he belongs here, once his Annapolis people cut him off he's going to be a lonely soul. He'll be hanging out with the come here's.

  22. I agree 1:06. His political career is littered with nothing more than tax and spend. It's time these nothings are shown the door. Any imbecile can raise taxes and create new fees.

  23. "So the long and short is yes norm may be powerful in Annapolis and sit on various committees but what good has that done any of us on the shore"

    He's not powerful. He's only appointed because he a "yes sir" man and does what he is told. Don't kid yourselves.

  24. 4:27 - Obviously you are a judgmental "from here."

    I'm curious and have a question for you...Being a "Come Here" myself from "The Other Side Of the Bridge", what exactly do you consider wrong with "us kinds of people" and how, in your opinion, are people such as yourself superior to me and us other "Come Heres?"

    Looking forward to your response.

  25. Really don't have any problem with come here's Andy, came here in 1969 myself at age 12, parents made me.

    You are right though, nothing wrong with the come here's, Norm will be welcomed with open arms by his good ole boy network chums.

    I guess I was trying to say, nobody cares where the heck he goes, maybe he should stay on that side of the bay, because that's who he's been representing.

    Sorry if you were offended.

  26. lying, crooked dumbocrats. What do you expect?

  27. Thanks for responding 5:35 & no apology necessary.

    After living in Worcester County for 6+ years now, I've grown accustomed to being critically judged just because I lived most of my life on "The Other Side" of MD.

    I'm amazed that so many people "On This Side" are so prejudiced against "us" and act as if us "Come Heres" are some sort of illegal aliens or terrorists. I'm still dumbfounded by their ignorance because "Western Shorers" have no qualms against "Eastern Shorers" living on "their side."

    No hard feelings and thanks again for responding back.

  28. Andy
    They act like that because most of the come here's were brought in because no one that grew up here were smart enough to get the jobs.

    So they have an attitude because in reality, we are smarter than they are.

    Since we have lived all over, we see things differently, progressively. They fear change. All I hear is how those come here's want to change things.

    Its actually fear manifesting as aggression and bullying, and when that doesn't work, then they bad mouth your reputation.
    They are inferior.

    When I moved here I was warned that it was a petty gossipy culture. And it is. Small town, Small minds.

  29. Annie, I, as a "Comehere" beg to differ! I have ultimate respect for those who have built this house, and in no way assume I know better how to do it! If I ever imagined I could walk into this culture assuming I was better at doing what the locals were doing here for over 230 years, I would consider myself a fool. These people here are made of solid gold, and deserve a decent living and real manufacturing jobs, something out illustrious government seems allergic to allowing.

    Wow, I really want to put my company name on this comment.

  30. 10:39 - you state that "really want to put your company name on this comment", so why didn't you? There's nothing wrong with what you posted and I see no reason why you didn't identify yourself. In fact, most commentors on here should not fear identifying themselves. Thank God the First Amendment hasn't been revised, so all Americans still have a right to express their opinion.

    Joe's site is comparable to an open forum. No 2 people exist in the world that will agree on every topic all of the time and disagreements can be productive if discussed/conducted civilly.

    I agree with a lot of what you wrote. Most people in this area are good/respectable people but just as is in many other regions throughout the U.S., many residents on the Eastern Shore are prejudice & judgmental...especially of "come heres."

  31. Andy, while I'd love to agree with you, I think 10:39 made a smart move, business wise.

    IF they are by chance from Salisbury, the retaliation here is incredible. It seems the Mayor likes to pound his chest to prove he has power. Take the Red Light District for example. The Mayor and Staff signed off on a business license and then said they couldn't put up a sign in which the large billboard type of signage was already there, he just didn't want THEIR sign in it.

    God Forbid the business owner fight back. I'm sure it cost them a small fortune to fight the City.

    Anyhow, let them voice their opinion anonymously. There are some comments in which a name would add a TON of credibility and that's when I usually step in and suggest they do so.

  32. The 'come here' vs. born here is all about values/beliefs, as a 'come here' myself I've found out. Those born here have more conservative views than the transplants. When the transplant doesn't want to change things they are welcomed with open arms I have found. 'Come heres' tend to complain about chicken houses and manure and love living in track housing w/HOA's dictating to them what they can do on their own property.
    Transplants are also big on things like asking where your dog came from. They immediately ask 'is he a shelter dog?" Those born and raised here know all dogs are not created equal and certain dogs were bred for certain purposes and do a job, so shelter dogs are not a good option for some people.

  33. 10:39 I appreciate your comment, but it has little to do with what I said.
    I never said anyone does not deserve a job.
    I have no idea what "house" you are talking about.
    The people of 230 years ago do not exist anymore.
    Most existing businesses were build by grandparents and parents and not this generation.
    And this "house" is turning into a ghetto, made up of back door good old boys club deals.

    I did not "come here" with an attitude, I acquired it thru years of prejudice from the locals, of all colors.

  34. 8:01 you are a born here and your slanted narrow comments show it.

    It is called a suburb, where they chose to live, not for the HOA, but because the alternative choice is the ghetto.
    Everything comes with a price, a trade off.

    I don't know where you get the dog crap. That one is simply too funny and is a born here hang up.
    Sorta like my baby daddys sisters brother is breeding pit bulls, ya want one?

  35. That "comehere" vs "bornhere" stereotype is so pervasive that it was an issue in other current Maryland politics.
    It was on a commercial, I don't remember who the candidates were, from the "other side".
    This is definitely a local mindset, that has held them back for decades. There was no way Joe was going to win, simply based on that fact.
    And until the "locals" shed these stereotypes very little will change.

  36. anonymous 9:29, a lot of what you said is true with exception of the election. The election was rigged, period. I'd say a majority of the people living here now are come here's. So your theory on the election fails. They need to go back to paper ballots.

  37. Many people in this area resist "change", rather than embrace it. I remember when I worked at an OC hotel, the GM and her sister became irate when I created spreadsheets using Excel rather than, get this,...LOTUS! They only wanted to work with LOTUS and didn't want to learn Excel. I don't think Fred Flintstone even uses LOTUS any more.

    Anyways, steering back to the subject of Conway. He's a PRIME example & Poster Child of a "Change Resistor." He had his chance and he needs to step aside in favor of a "Change EMBRACER" in order for the Eastern Shore to be able to productively progress.

  38. Joe, Jackie Wellfonder did some digging and found out that there were 10 empty seats available. Bush and Conway lied just to be petty. That's the mentality of O'Malley's team. They are scared of Anderson. He's a very likable guy who appears to be against more tax increases. The tax and spend crowd don't want someone like him in Annapolis who will actually stand up for the taxpayers.

  39. Anonymous said...
    Watch out for the MML. They do have a agenda. They have been trying to pass for years allowing counties to asses taxes without going through the state to approve. Careful that doesn't bite you in the butt. They might just decide to tax bloggers???
    Time will tell..

    January 8, 2014 at 11:55 AM

    Um... The MML is the Maryland Municipal League not MaCo. Has nothing to do with Counties. You are an idiot.

  40. Andy Berges said...
    No offense and with all due respect to Mr. Conway, but in my opinion he possesses a Fred Flintstone/Barney Rubble mentality and he should consider retiring at the age of 72 because many of us "We The People" have an "In With The New" mentality.

    January 8, 2014 at 12:08 PM

    That's funny. I always tell everyone that Norman looks like Fred Flintstone.

  41. Anonymous said...
    mandatory term limits

    January 8, 2014 at 3:59 PM

    There are term limits you moron. They are called elections.

    If you had a good candidate in office you would be whining that they weren't there long enough.

  42. Norman Conway is like Jim Ireton they both despise Republicans and the hold nothing back.

  43. Did this really happen?

  44. You would still lose with paper ballots, Joe. If Chuck Cook rigged the election he would have been hired away by a politically big wig by now.

  45. Anonymous said...
    Norman Conway is like Jim Ireton they both despise Republicans and the hold nothing back.

    January 10, 2014 at 10:27 PM

    Yep, ask an employee at the City.

  46. It comes down to respect and honor. Neither of which Conway exemplifies. He is another tax and spend democrat who totes the party line. His lack of moral compass has consumed the very people he is supposed to represent. We need change and we need it now. Conway will never change and his only loyalty is to himself. Anderton will provide us with good and much needed representation and restore the dignity of his constituents. Conway will always remain an in-step democrat voting with his party for immoral laws thus deliberately not expressing the views of his constituents.

  47. Ask Jennifer Shutt if it happened. She was there but "oddly" the Daily Times has not written anything about it. She hasn't even blogged about it.

    Because the Daily Times is a biased liberal media outlet masquerading as a "news" Source.


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