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Friday, January 10, 2014

So Mayor Ireton, You Claim Crime Is Down In Salisbury, Eh?

With a crime rate of 76 per one thousand residents, Salisbury has one of the highest crime rates in America compared to all communities of all sizes - from the smallest towns to the very largest cities. One's chance of becoming a victim of either violent or property crime here is one in 13. Within Maryland, more than 99% of the communities have a lower crime rate than Salisbury. In fact, after researching dangerous places to live, NeighborhoodScout found Salisbury to be one of the top 100 most dangerous cities in the U.S.A.

Separately, it is always interesting and important to compare a city's crime rate with those of similarly sized communities - a fair comparison as larger cities tend to have more crime. 

NeighborhoodScout has done just that. With a population of 30,778, Salisbury has a combined rate of violent and property crime that is very high compared to other places of similar population size. 

Regardless of whether Salisbury does well or poorly compared to all other cities and towns in the US of all sizes, compared to places with a similar population, it fares badly. Few other communities of this size have a crime rate as high as Salisbury.



  1. What would be nice is if the report was able to distinguish if ECI dumping inmates in Salisbury has a direct impact on those numbers.

  2. This is why I come here. You provide news noone else does.

  3. The Salisbury media establishment's way to deal with this fact has always been to ignore, downplay and cover up the facts. You are definitely stirring things up here a little.
    Good job, keep it up. If you can help to change the spirit of apathy that has ruled this town for years you will have achieved quite an accomplishment.

  4. anonymous 9:06, You mean like running for Mayor?

    You mean like spending 9 years, 365 days a year publishing such information?

    Even I don't know why I continue to do this to be completely honest with you.

    We have proven that tens of thousands of people view Salisbury News on a daily basis, yet there's next to no one at Council Meetings.

    We provide articles like yesterday where the Mayor wants to commit to $3,000,000.00 towards the Zoo, yet we publish articles PROVING more than 1,200 people a month are losing their jobs in the County.

    I, (Joe Albero) do NOT make these things up. If I did I'd be sued. YOU don't read or hear of this stuff in your immediate local media.

    I ran for Mayor and the majority of citizens know what really happened with it. Ask around, seriously. ASK people who they voted for and you'll see. Next to no one you'll talk to voted for Jim Ireton.

    So why do I keep doing this. THAT's why. I will continue to expose things like crime, polluting the River. Again, where's people like Mike Pretl after learning Salisbury is the #1 polluter in the state? What's Jim Ireton, (tree hugger) got to say about the FACTS?

    I do this because one day, (and it won't be too far away) something is going to trigger and the voting taxpayers of the City are going to finally wake up and DEMAND change. But they better do so before it's too late. Before all the damage is done to a point of no return.

    The voters will need to understand it will take SEVERAL terms of very hard adjusting to bring Salisbury back to life. Remember this though. Once we become the next Detroit, (and believe me, that's VERY possible) NO ONE will step up and run Salisbury.

    I'll stop preaching. There's very little time left Ladies & Gentlemen. WAKE UP!

  5. This is very interesting because on page 10 of the Sustainable Community Application linked on another post on this site, it clearly states that one of Salisbury's "Weaknesses-" is
    a "Perceived high crime rate."

  6. Okay-Here is the bottom line. Salisbury suffers from officials who are clueless. Sorry if I offend, but there is no other explanation for the stupidity that abounds.
    Building more low income housing is nothing short of asinine. Instead of learning from other area's mistakes, some in Sby think it's a good idea to repeat them.
    Take for instance Baltimore City. Every 30 or so years for the past 100 or so, they've built new housing and moved the low income people there. All this has done is create more blight so that the majority of the city is a poverty stricken, crime haven ghetto scene.
    Instead of getting to the real root of the problem which is unemployment and crime they just build pretty new residential units which in several years looks like a bomb was dropped on it.

  7. Liarerton and Duncan have played with the numbers. The city is as dangerous as it was five years ago. If Duncan can not get her shop in order get rid of her. I do not see anything changing with SPD. As for Jimmy L. do I really need to say a thing. He is a drama "Queen" sorry I said queen lol.

  8. There are a lot of parts of Salisbury that every time I drive through them, I'm shocked I didn't witness a drive by. It's not uncommon to see "street walkers" either. They always walk facing the oncoming traffic. Where there are street walkers there are drug dealers nearby.

  9. Bring on the old fanny packs again. Carry them under your coat. Don't use credit cards. Don't shop at night. The Mall had one light on in the parking area last night after dark. Of all the lights out there ... only one was on. Where is mall security? What is up with that?


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