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Friday, January 31, 2014

Smaller Wind Turbine Collecting Data In Berlin In Advance Of Larger One

BERLIN — Town residents may have been surprised to see a much smaller than expected wind turbine turning silently in Berlin this week, but the sight is temporary, as it’s only being used to collect wind data and will be replaced this summer by a much larger construct.

Installed last week, the current, 7kw turbine sits on the former Rayne’s Sand and Gravel property on Old Ocean City Boulevard. The machine is collecting data on wind speed and direction that will be taken into account when the larger, 50kw turbine is installed. The smaller, 21-foot tall device with four-foot blades is also serving as a test run in construction for its 65-foot tall, 19-foot bladed big brother.

“The 7KW wind turbine is collecting data regarding wind direction and speed to be used to build a 50kW gearless wind turbine,” said Laura Allen, town administrator for Berlin. “Once that process is complete in the next three to four months, the smaller wind turbine will be removed and replaced by the 50kw wind turbine.”


  1. Proof positive that Berlin is way too cool.

  2. What a complete and utter waste of money

  3. I am waiting to hear the comments after the people are subjected to the windmill vibrations for a while...

  4. Wonder how many piping plovers will be killed.

  5. Probably GTG on birdkill in town, except the seagulls hovering Kelly Foods dog food plant.

    Oh, well, we'll see.


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