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Saturday, January 11, 2014

SFD Calls For Service 1-10-14

  • Friday January, 10 2014 @ 20:07:27Nature: Allergic ReactionCity: Salisbury
  • Friday January, 10 2014 @ 19:33:15Nature: Difficulty BreathingCity: Salisbury
  • Friday January, 10 2014 @ 19:19:30Nature: Odor InvestigationAddress: 618 Gunby Rd Salisbury, MD 21801
  • Friday January, 10 2014 @ 16:25:34Nature: Flood With Electrical HazardsAddress: 104 Cherry St Salisbury, MD 21801
  • Friday January, 10 2014 @ 15:23:57Nature: Pro Qa EmsCity: Salisbury
  • Friday January, 10 2014 @ 12:51:55Nature: Difficulty BreathingCity: Salisbury
  • Friday January, 10 2014 @ 11:40:38Nature: Subject FallenCity: Salisbury
  • Friday January, 10 2014 @ 09:27:14Nature: Difficulty BreathingCity: Salisbury
  • Friday January, 10 2014 @ 09:11:31Nature: Sick SubjectCity: Salisbury
  • Friday January, 10 2014 @ 07:28:55Nature: Abdominal PainCity: Salisbury
  • Friday January, 10 2014 @ 06:46:37Nature: Structure FireCity: Salisbury
  • Friday January, 10 2014 @ 06:46:37Nature: Structure FireAddress: 517 Bailey Ln Salisbury, MD 21801
  • Friday January, 10 2014 @ 04:58:35Nature: Medical AlarmCity: Salisbury
  • Friday January, 10 2014 @ 04:40:11Nature: Unconscious SubjectCity: Salisbury
  • Friday January, 10 2014 @ 01:09:35Nature: Abdominal PainCity: Salisbury


  1. All EMS calls. Nothing to the so called structure fire on Baily Lane. Doesn't justify having over 60 paid firemen in Salisbury.

  2. Nothing to the fire? And okay you are right, given that the only volunteer fire engine at the fire was from Delmar lets take all of the paid firemen out of the city and let Fruitland, Hebron, Parsonsburg and Delmar take all of the calls in Salisbury. Please run for Mayor, I would love to meet you. You certainly are about your wits.

  3. Anonymous said...
    Nothing to the fire? And okay you are right, given that the only volunteer fire engine at the fire was from Delmar lets take all of the paid firemen out of the city and let Fruitland, Hebron, Parsonsburg and Delmar take all of the calls in Salisbury. Please run for Mayor, I would love to meet you. You certainly are about your wits.

    January 11, 2014 at 5:25 PM

    If all the volunteer fire companies you mentioned can recruit volunteers then Salisbury can also. All they have to do is try instead of running them off. If you are just a paid fireman then it is none of your business who runs for mayor. As if it makes a difference that you would like to meet them. LMAO. You are a non tax paying nut case who can't even vote in the city elections.

  4. There was nothing to the fire ? Try explaining that to a Grandmother and three young children who stood out in the cold and watched their house burn. They have no home until major repairs can be made as a result of the fire. Fortunately they got out safely and will be alright.

  5. Your statement is quite inaccurate. The volume of calls in Salisbury are handled by a variety of combinations of manpower. Some calls are handled completely by volunteers. Some are handled by entirely career. Depending on the time of day, day of week you could have any combination. The one constant is a bell alarm for a structure fire or auto extrication sends a request for any and all members. The public doesn't know or care which faction handles the call. If you didn't know the individuals, you could never tell a Volunteer from a Career member or unit. You appear on here daily with the claim that volunteers are being run off with no factual proof of you statement. If you were a true firefighter you would have been at this call and not making such a ridiculous statement. The fact is there are three stations with volunteers serving proudly alongside the career component. Spend more time finding a way to contribute and less time criticizing. This volunteer enjoys what he does.


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