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Saturday, January 04, 2014

Secession And Decentralizatio

Sooner or Later, the People Will Accept Secession and Decentralization

Some people think that my writing is a bit sarcastic. Well, my latest articles onLRC haven’t been too sarcastic.

But can you blame me?

I just want you to understand what it is we are up against when our federal government and its employees have a lot of power over us.

And then, perhaps too often my own emotions of fear and anxiety associated with the police state affect the way I express myself. Oh, well.

Now, it’s one thing that the NSA criminally intercepts your new computer or laptop from the online store warehouse to your home, in order to criminally install surveillance spying devices (and they may in fact be making illicit use of pre-installed technologies, and in some cases a manufacturer may be actively involved in aiding and abetting the NSA’s “security” racket although they deny such involvement).

But it’s another thing when U.S. Customs lummoxes go and destroy a virtuoso flutist’s hand-made musical instruments.

Is nothing sacred?


1 comment:

  1. We need something to trigger a necessary action for the start of an American Revolution. Something that will allow rationale hard working people to declare in one voice that we have had ENOUGH of government growth and intrusion into our lives and that we are now prepared to make this case with our lives. The Police state that has evolved MUST be thwarted before it is too late.


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