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Saturday, January 18, 2014


The Senate Intelligence Committee revealed that the State Department received "hundreds" of intelligence reports in the months before the Sept. 11, 2012 Benghazi attack warning that terrorist groups would strike U.S. facilities in Libya.

The report, released on Wednesday, excoriated the state department for failing to protect the compound and for ignoring repeated admonitions to increase security. Furthermore, the report indicates that the state department had failed to react to the warnings, including alerts that had led the CIA to augment security at its Benghazi base near the diplomatic compound.



  1. This administration has dismantled our military. This is and has been a goal for Obama and his muslim culture. Now that we are weak in the military and our economy is gone , we will also collapse has a leader.
    The younger people don't realize this , but they will and they will be the ones who pay.

  2. Why did we all know this before you told us? Because the only reason you are telling us this now is because we all knew, and you can no longer hide it from us.

    We are not stupid people.


  3. Per Mrs. Bill Clinton, "What does it matter now?"

  4. Billary should be charged with MURDER

  5. As a Democrat, the last thing I want is to make history and have another first in office for the President of the U. S. Hillary is not who I want for President. I'm tired of candidates making promises they certainly don't keep. I'm tired of candidates spending money campaigning for office when they can just hand over that money to help the poor, the old and folks who just need a little bit of money just to pay one bill. I'm tired of the candidates becoming millionaires off the backs of the middle class family. I'm tired of these candidates from taking money away from our children but are willing to give it all to illegal immigrant in this country and abroad. The Clintons made their money off the backs of the middle class and poor. When was the last time the Clintons did anything personal for you. Do you people really want to elect the first women to the presidency of the U. S. You all elected the first man of color into the office of the president of the U. S. I'm much poorer today than before the election. We need to elect candidates who know they work for us.


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