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Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Recount Ensures Democratic Control Of Va. Senate

NORFOLK, Va. (AP) - Delegate Lynwood W. Lewis kept his scant lead over Republican Wayne Coleman in a recount of a special Senate election Monday, giving Democrats control of the upper chamber.

According to media reports, the recount widened Lewis' lead over Coleman to 11, an increase over the 9 votes that separated the candidates in a Jan. 7 special election for the Hampton Roads and Eastern Shore District.

Lewis will succeed fellow Democrat Ralph S. Northam, who successfully ran for lieutenant governor. His former district, Senate 6, includes Norfolk, a slim section of Virginia Beach and the Eastern Shore.


  1. Poor virginia..obvioulsy just as many lost dimwitted libtards as MD...

  2. Virginia is the next Maryland.

  3. What a bunch of ignorant uneducated idiots to vote for that many Democrats. When is enough enough?


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