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Monday, January 27, 2014

Raw Milk Could Be Legal In Maryland... Again

A proposed Maryland bill would restore the right of the states’ citizens to participate in cow shares, or cow boarding, to obtain raw milk. Maryland citizens lost the right to raw milk via cow shares in 2006, when the appointed director of the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene redefined the word “sale” to include agistments. A hearing on the bill is scheduled for January 28 at 1:00pm at the Lowe House Office Building in Annapolis.

Cow shares or cow boarding refers to a practice in which people buy shares in individual animals for a portion of the milk they produce. These people may not own the land or have the skill or time necessary to own a cow (and since cows produce far too much milk for a single family to consume selling shares even makes sense for people who are able to own a cow or two), but the farmer is paid to care for the animals and distribute the milk to the cows’ owners. It is a very popular way of getting around raw milk bans nationwide.



  1. Maybe Del McDermott could get on this also. I've not ever tried raw milk. Since we've been trying for 2 yrs now the "know your farmer, know your food" idea and have been buying what we can locally, we get our milk from Chesapeake Bay Farms. I've always hated milk and just the smell (which to me stinks) makes me gag. Chesapeake Bay Farms milk isn't homogenized and it doesn't have that bad odor. I even took a bold step for me and took a sip and actually liked it, so I've been drinking and using milk more now after 50 yrs of hating it.

  2. Love Chesapeake Bay Farms Milk.

  3. I prefer it straight from the teat.

  4. That's what is meant by raw milk, right 3:54?
    Unless the cow is confined, eating nothing but "grain" usually dosed up with chemicals, common sense dictates that this raw milk is the optimal choice for those concerned with their health.

  5. I just put in the oven a mozzarella stuffed Italian seasoned meatloaf. Mozzarella and ground beef both from Chesapeake Bay Farms. We use their butter as well as their milk.


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