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Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Rand Paul: Bill Clinton A Sexual Predator


  1. Perverts in the White HouseJanuary 28, 2014 at 4:16 AM

    so agree SIR...

  2. It takes two to Tango !

  3. Impeached president Bill Clinton who is held in high esteem by democrats and you wonder why we question their party's morals.

  4. It's a fact that clinton is a serial rapist, but nobody knows it because the media covered it up just like they are covering for hillary now.

  5. The Clintons have shamed this country enough.

  6. Ron Paul is wrong on this. Monica was a willing soul. Clinton should have been man enough to leave her alone, but he was selfish. He thinks he is God's gift to women. Why would any man want Hillary?

  7. Bill Clinton a Sexual Predator (among other things) 8:04 Just because Hillary is cow with pants doesn’t justify Bill's tryst with Monica.

  8. So is Rand going to run or not? If so he'd better hurry while he still knows it all.You know how politicians seem to forget everything once elected,especially campaign promises.

  9. Truth is if Bill Clinton could run again he would be elected in a landslide. You idiots wallow in this manutia while the rest of the country moves on. Slower lower indeed.

  10. Truth is there are so many idiots out there like you 10:52 he would probably get 50% of the vote but with the Democratic machine fraud vote in the cities it would end up about 53% (not a landslide like you liberal scumbags like to imagine).

  11. Clinton is a douche bag, both of them.


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