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Thursday, January 23, 2014

"Rain Tax" Focus Of Debate, Ad Campaign

Republicans in the House of Delegate and the Senate have introduced legislation to repeal Maryland's Stormwater Managmenet Fee, or what critics have called the "rain tax."

The 2012 law allows Baltimore City and nine counties to assess a fee on property owners based on the amount of paved surfaces they have on their property. The money from the tax pays for stormwater management projects that are designed to reduce pollution flowing inot the Chesapeake Bay.

The fee is part of a federal mandate that requires Maryland to reduce Bay pollution.


  1. This tax was not a FEDERAL MANDATE!

  2. We already have tax ditches, which we pay taxes to create and maintain. If they need to be reconfigured, updated, or otherwise improved upon, come to the taxpayer with the plan, the yearly cost of the plan, the requirements for the modifications, and we will gladly chip in the costs of the plan if the current funding we pay out is justified. Simple.

    Oh no, it was an O'Malley brainchild, nothing Federal about it. O'Liar is good for that.

  3. Yeah, you'd figure we the people could have a say in how our money is spent, not who spends it. Just like them county employees riding in cars that we pay for. I'll bet nobody ever voted to buy county executives cars

  4. And why a Mercury Marquis?Why not a Hyundai Elantra?


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