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Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Outrageous! Top Benghazi Official At State Not Fired – But Promoted

In December 2012 three top State Department officials reportedly resigned after the release of the Benghazi investigation.

Not true.
They just took a little time off.

And, now one of those officials, Charlene Lamb, was just promoted.
The Blaze reported:

Charlene Lamb, cited for failures in leadership from the Department of State’s own Accountability Review Board report, has been promoted to Regional Security Officer. We’ve heard rumor that she’s slated for international duty in Canada. She started the security officer training last week, much to the dismay of many within the State Department.

For those not keeping track, Charlene Lamb was in charge of the office that denied extra security personnel to the U.S. Ambassador in Libya before the Sept. 11, 2011 attacks.



  1. What can be said here??? What difference??? I'm ashamed of these idiots, and want them to go away from my Government. Unfortunately, this is somehow a qualification to become President??????????"?????????

  2. Dangerous times for this country. These criminals can not be allowed to remain in office. I'll support just about anyone with a solution to this mess.

  3. She should be hung for treason. Good men died because of her. Men that trusted their government to have their back.

  4. And hillary clinton (the top state department official) will be promoted to president soon. Only in communist America.

  5. She was told what to do, much like the military leaders. Their hands are tied. But if it were I, I'd quit my job before I did something like that. Less than honorable...

  6. Her reward for keeping her mouth shut..

  7. You can add Susan Liar Rice to the list.


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