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Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Opera Sues Over Uncontrolable "TOOTING" Problem

An opera singer and Army wife claims in a lawsuit her career is threatened by damage to her digestive and reproductive systems after an Army nurse allegedly botched a childbirth operation.

Amy Herbst and her husband, Staff Sgt. James Herbst, filed a lawsuit against the government Monday in a Cincinnati federal court. The lawsuit seeks $2.5 million for negligence, as well as pain and suffering, embarrassment and loss of income.

“She is suffering though a very embarrassing and very significant injury, and frankly, the prognosis of a fully successful repair is pretty low,” her attorney, Charles Allen, told Army Times on Wednesday.



  1. So what's the problem here? My husband would pay a fortune to be able to "toot" all the time. And our daughter is trying to be just like Daddy!


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