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Saturday, January 04, 2014

Op-Ed: The Case Against Rudy Giuliani For Evidence Destruction On 9/11

Regardless of where one stands on the 9/11 debate, the complete, sudden destruction of the Twin Towers and Building 7 at the very least qualifies as an unprecedented engineering event.

As such they merited an exhaustive, unhurried study of the forensic evidence by scientists and engineers worldwide.

This did not happen, and instead the key evidence which might have told the story — the structural steel — was scooped up and sent to China and India on ships in record time. 99.5 percent of the steel was then melted, after being sold at a bargain rate of $120 per ton, rather than the going market rate of at least $150 for especially high-grade steel.
Therefore to this day we do not know all that we could know about the destruction of the Towers. The government's contention that the evidence was examined by FBI agents as it was trucked into Fresh Kills landfill, its first destination after removal from Ground Zero, and pieces picked out which warranted further examination as “evidence,” is a joke. In criminal law, and in scientific investigation, all evidence is equally important, as one never knows which piece might ultimately provide the key to the puzzle.


  1. The twin towers were hit by two airplanes in an act of war against the United States. A war which continues today. In years past the United States would have cleared the site and rebuilt structures within a few years rather than the ongoing debacle to prove to the world we will not be deterred by terrorists. Those days are gone

  2. Then there is the 3 debree fields of flight 93 in PA. if it went down in a way they tell us, it would not have an engine 3 miles away from main crash site nor a chink of wing 2 miles away, but if it was shot down, then you would have pieces all over the place!

  3. 11:21 time for your medicine?!

  4. Going 500 miles an hour straight into a hole. Yep yep I could see an engine bouncing out and landing 3 miles away

  5. Yes the evidence was scooped up and carried away, never to be subjected to examination ever again.., think what we may have learned/uncovered.., meanwhile, behind the horror and misery, our 107th Congress and George Bush & company secured the foundations of a tyrannical police state.., the Patriot Act is born. And still, it rears it's unconstitutional anti-American head to tear at liberty once again.


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