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Thursday, January 23, 2014

Obama's Polls Fall As Middle Class Gets His Number

Are you dazed and confused by Barack Obama, the nominal Democrat, whose conduct as president since 2009 has seen him sink from nearly 70 percent to 40 percent or less in the national polling, from which he has seemed to learn nothing, but still marches on?

Fear not, the doctor is in: Fred Siegel of the Manhattan Institute, whose latest book, The Revolt Against The Masses: How Liberalism Has Undermined the Middle Class, explains all you wanted to know about Obama, and much else. It explains why he never became the new Franklin D. Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy or Lyndon B. Johnson at his best, as he and they belong to quite different wings of their party.



  1. His Skinny A$$ would care if we Impeached him...January 23, 2014 at 12:22 PM

    He does not care about this...

  2. he is the first black communist,muslim,america hating president.

  3. I am worried about him. I fear for his life.
    He has proved to be a very fragile person and may slip into a deep suicidal depression as he realizes Americans are finally figuring out he is a fraudulent con artist.

  4. I can't believe a 40% approval rating. That's as believable as the 6% employment rate.

  5. I work with educated, intelligent individuals who STILL brag about voting for this creep in both elections. These people absolutely freak me out.


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