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Saturday, January 25, 2014

Nations Largest Cocaine Smuggler Revealed: The DEA

Newly released documents, and testimony from Justice Department and DEA officials now show the stories of government running cocaine are true.

An investigation conducted in Mexico found the American government allowed that country’s largest drug cartel, Sinaloa, to operate without fear of persecution. That groups is estimated to be responsible for 80 percent of the cocaine coming into the country through Chicago. In exchange, the leaders of Sinaloa provided the DEA information on rival gangs.



  1. That's how ole Bill Clinton got elected for allowing the CIA to operate through Mena, Arkansas for years

  2. and Obama's from Chicago

  3. I've told you before -- it ain't Tyrone in Harlem bringing in TONS of cocaine and pot --- its military commanders, Coast Guard captains, U.S. Senators, Corporate CEO's, government officials (DEA, CIA, FBI), etc. The SAME ONES who get on TV and hold press conferences calling for the execution of small time dealers and stricter drug laws.
    And for good reason -- their multi-million dollar enterprises would crumble.
    Keep cheering. Keep believing they are doing the right and honorable thing. Keep believing they have your "interests" and "safety" in mind.
    Hint for the naïve --- you could catch on fire (with your baby in your arms) and they wouldn't even show an increase in their heart rate.

  4. Reagan did the same thing by shipping weapons through Nicaragua for Contra rebels, and in return the smugglers that smuggled guns down there were overlooked bringing drugs back to sweeten their deal. The Buck stopped at Ollie North falling on the sword. Same as Obama did supplying weapons to al Qaeda in Libya.

  5. I need to correct my 12:07 comment. The weapons that were smuggled to Nicaragua were intended for the Contras but were being diverted to Iran, remember Iran/Contra?

    Same as this administration's gun operations for a Mexican Cartel in exchange for info on their rival cartels. Fast and Furious, this is how our government operates, been that way for a long time.


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