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Wednesday, January 22, 2014

MSP To Pull Troopers From County Drug Task Forces

ANNAPOLIS — Maryland State Police will pull its troopers out of counties’ drug task forces.

Secretary of MSP Col. Marcus Brown said it’s an effort to get state police back to their original role in law enforcement — to police the state without county borders, since crime doesn’t have borders either.

This way, Brown said, state police drug enforcement officers can go after those supplying the drugs, and local police can go after local pushers.



  1. There's a lot more money in writing seatbelt, cell phone and speeding tickets than there is in drug enforcement.

  2. Looks like they're heading towards weed legalization!

  3. If it isn't doing traffic stops, MSP does not want any parts of it!

  4. Seems like more and more police agencies have chosen to do drug enforcement instead of "to serve and protect" anymore. Look at Delmar. They're ALL about drug enforcement and are heavily hooked up with DEA! Delmar residents aren't being protected but they're sure paying for a LOT of overtime for drug enforcement!

  5. I bet poor old Mike Lewis is crying now boo hoo he should kick MSP out of WBI but he dont have the ba--s to do that


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