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Monday, January 27, 2014

MSNBC Interrupts Congresswoman For Report On Justin Bieber


  1. What does anyone expect from MSNBC?

  2. Justin needs to be publicly spanked and then deported back to Cananda.

  3. this is truly a ROFLMAO moment. how stupid are they???? That Mitchell woman always acts so "in the know" and serious....scraping the egg off her face now...LOL

  4. And I'll say this again. If you still pay for cable, you still pay these people's salaries whether you watch their trash or not. Of course Obama will never be impeached and we will never, ever take back this country. Restore the republic? You're all lazy to even cancel your cable bill!

  5. They are satisfying their viewership. Important issues of the day such as this NSA thing goes right over the heads of MSNBC viewers. What Beiber's doing or Kim Kardasian, who's on American Idol-that's more their
    This type of thing is good to know though. Like for instance if you run into someone who is in favor of speed cameras. You know immediately they are not the brightest bulb in the pack since they don't understand the basic burden of proof concept. So if you know what's going on with Beiber and all you can talk to them about that since anything else would be like talking to a rock.

  6. MSNBC.... Is it just me, or does every single one of the "reporters" on that network look and act like the guys that would ALWAYS get beat up on the playground?

  7. Agree with 10:35. A prime example of a prima-donna that never has his ass spanked when he needed it. I would donate to a fund to have it done (I would volunteer to do it for free). Real tired of seeing this little punk get so much air time. Our kids are getting screwed up enough without seeing this on TV every day.

  8. Turn off the TV AmericaJanuary 27, 2014 at 5:26 PM

    Who the heck watches MSNBC or should I say like Dr. Mark Levin says: "MNLSD"...I sure the heck do not watch this crap...


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