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Sunday, January 12, 2014

More On Salisbury's Sustainable Community Application

Mill & West Main Sts. Intersection Streetscape, Phases 1 & 2 -' 

This project includes sidewalk & curb modifications, ADA compliant ramps, paving improvements, textured / colored crosswalks, pedestrian signalization, pedestrian & bicycle signage, bicycle storm drain grates, road striping & stop bars, benches, wheel stops, landscaping & planting strips, kiosk style maps, lighting, and signal synchronization. This project will greatly improve the pedestrian connectivity between the Westside Neighborhood and the historic Downtown area.


  1. why don't "they" just pave the freakin' streets. major potholes & most are VERY OLD!
    We are a disgrace!

    1. Ask mr conway. He sent your road $$ to pg county

  2. What's this got to do with "sustainable"?

  3. we need to do more stuff for bikes. (sarcasm) the new routes are empty. they still ride on the sidewalks & do not heed traffic rules. (on the wrong side, in the wrong direction) For safety, I don't blame them.

  4. Paving 7:27 nailed it!
    Synchronize the traffic lights better - you should be able to empty a full turnout lane in one cycle - not three!

  5. I wouldn't mind them raising taxes (Up to 80% of my income), if we could get more things like this. Maybe a statue of Jim riding a horse, wielding a sword, right in the middle of downtown. I'd eat raman to see that.

    /complete sarcasm

  6. Please pave the roads downtown where the bridges are... it is absolutely horrible... for a decade!

  7. OMG just leave all the rainbows in Ireton's office and leave them off the streets. He's trying his best to turn Salisbury into another Rehoboth.

  8. Show me the return on investment for any one of these spending projects. At least paving and timing the lights will save fuel, tires and shocks.

  9. That is totally gay looking!

  10. 8:19 We should be so fortunate.

  11. We need some Gay bars in town to attract more of Jim's kind of folks to Downtown, for his revitalization program.

  12. LOL 7:31. Bike lanes are dead just like I said they would be. They are dead everywhere in the US except if some kind of event is going on.
    I have a house in Northern VA a bastion of liberalism. When they were still talking bike lanes, the neighbors were all jazzed up saying how they were all for them and they were going to ride bikes to the Metro Station and take that to work. They went out and bought all the paraphernalia for biking. It lasted less than a week before they started using their cars again. They had every excuse under the sun, why they were not using their bikes anymore. Of course I took great pleasure and rubbed it in their faces every chance I got how I had "told them so" about biking to the Metro. Now they hide from me when we are in town-LOL.

  13. 10:14 you sound like you're real fun at parties.

  14. I hate parties 10:24. I hate anything that involves a lot of people. Everyone's too nosy nowadays. They want to know what you do, where you live, what kind of car you have and on and on. Someone just the other day asked me how much I paid for my dog!

  15. How much did you pay?

  16. LOL 11:13-I think around 200 bucks. It was several years ago and he was going on 20 weeks which is a bit past the cute fluffy puppy stage so I was able to get them down on the asking price. I love him. As a matter of fact I like him more than people.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. 10:49
    Are you my husband? lol He would have told them the same thing. He also doesn't like a lot of people and their gossip.

  19. Follow the yellow brick road to see the wizard!


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