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Wednesday, January 22, 2014

McDonnell, Wife Indicted On Federal Corruption Charges

Former Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell and his wife, Maureen, were indicted Tuesday on federal corruption charges stemming from their relationship with a wealthy businessman in a case sure to test the ethical boundaries between friendship and political influence.

Former health supplement company executive Jonnie R. Williams Sr. plied the McDonnells with gifts and loans and, in return, received access in order to peddle his products, charging documents filed Tuesday claim.

Mr. McDonnell on Tuesday night reiterated that he did nothing wrong —Virginia law does not require the disclosure of gifts to family members — and insisted that the gifts were motivated by nothing more than friendship.


  1. They charge her then they need to go after all the democrats in Washington for the same thing!!!!!!

  2. That's the same shenanigans my bestest friends give to me all the time! Silly AG! We all do that! Hahahaha!

  3. time to go public with Obama and Feinstein's Vanguard Fund-- these people are profiting on the Destruction of America-- it's going to make some others take a hit too--but enough is enough

  4. The Obama regime supported by the counter culture leftist Socialists have just used the power of the United States Government to slander Gov. McDonnell and dirty him up as much as possible.
    To preempt a possible PRESIDENTIAL run,(which the NSA was probably used covertly to uncover)
    Obama and Socialists are in the hen house and using the Government eviscerating machine to wipe out any and all opposition to ensure the Socialist/Marxist takeover of the United States.
    He should be tried for treason and punished accordingly for his fraud, contempt and crimes against the American people.

  5. It's a witch hunt. This is an honest man who has power and they want to block him.

    What about all the extravagant gifts Obammy and Michelle get? What about all the millions upon millions of dollars they waste on vacations on the taxpayers doll. No that is Ok to you soft hearted liberals.


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