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Thursday, January 16, 2014

Mayor Jim Ireton Makes A Wrong, Right

Very soon after Salisbury News published the information about two Downtown Parking Lots being shut off to new annual permits, the very next morning Mayor Ireton OPENED those lots back up and are now selling permits again.

Look, I know Jim and Jake are trying very hard to turn things around Downtown and we disagree a LOT on some of the ways they're going about it. My hope is that they too will open their minds up to OTHER ideas that could actually help them be very successful in revitalizing Downtown Salisbury.

In the end we all want the same result. Anyhow, good move Jim.


  1. "open their minds up to OTHER ideas that could actually help.....in revitalizing Downtown Salisbury."

    Such as?

  2. I'll share that with them when they call or e-mail.

  3. Good luck with that Joe

  4. ONLY reason why he did that was because of the biz owners complained, if they left because of this, how would that help sby let alone downtown? it wouldn't...

    But for some reason this gay piece of crap mayor wants to give a way city land for secton 8 housing so the poor pieces of crap can live there rent free paid by us as they let it sit and rot and turn dilapidated just like the rest of this piece of crap city...

    Oh but you don't hear Mayor
    gayer-ton fighting to bulldoze those buildings or town homes or houses do you? no you don't...

    This is all the nut jobs want to do, build more and more and more for nothing... just to spend money or take up space and land..

    I don't know why you can't fix the old buildings or if not tear them down before you go adding more new buildings to the same area the older building are falling apart...

    I am so glad i don't live here in SBY let alone pay any taxes to this piece of crap city...

  5. Oh Albero, if we could all be as perfect as you. You must have a 20' foot wide mirror at home just to be able to comb your hair.

  6. 10:04 You forgot pansy mayor again in your tirade.

  7. I'm not necessarily against developing those lots but I didn't understand shutting them down this soon even if the plans are going to move forward. By the time the lots are purchased, designs/plans approved, etc., it'll be 2015 anyway. No reason to stop giving out permits more than a year in advance.

  8. Why didn't they change their minds about giving the old fire station away. That old station could have been used to house a much needed ambulance and offices. A volunteer fire engine could have been placed there as well.

  9. No worries, there will be plenty of parking on the north end of town when JC Penney's is closed.


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