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Monday, January 06, 2014

Liz Cheney Ends Her Run For Senate

Liz Cheney is ending her bid for Wyoming Senate and her primary challenge against Mike Enzi. That was quick. While I’m not fan of Mike Enzi, a Liz Cheney in the Senate would worry me. While I have a lot of respect for Liz Cheney, I’d worry she’d be a John McCain/Kelly Ayotte type who always wants to go to war for the Muslims who hate us anyway. Enzi lead Cheney by as much as 53 percentage points in some polls and never gain traction. Now, Enzi will be on his way to an easy re-election as no progressive liberal Democrat has a snowball’s chance in hell in Wyoming.


1 comment:

  1. Wonder who in her family is going into rehab?


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