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Tuesday, January 07, 2014

Liberals Choices


  1. Wonderful comparison.

    Liberals are fools.

  2. By Phil using leviticus to talk about gays, he should look at his family. Leviticus also looks down on ANY piercing or tattoos. Also, crabs, shrimp and any other shellfish. Pork too. You can't cherry pick your arguments.

  3. That is why there called kook liberals.

  4. 11:14, your liberal Democrat/socialist talking points failed to distract anyone from the real issue of Liberal despotism and hypocrisy as well as treason. The Iranian leader supports terrorism and is a self proclaimed enemy of America. Your support of him makes you one also, as most liberals.

  5. Anonymous said...
    By Phil using leviticus to talk about gays, he should look at his family. Leviticus also looks down on ANY piercing or tattoos. Also, crabs, shrimp and any other shellfish. Pork too. You can't cherry pick your arguments.

    January 7, 2014 at 11:14 AM

    You are an idiot. You Progressive Homos will do anything to defend your lifestyle and protect the terrorists. That is the liberal way.


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