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Sunday, January 05, 2014

Legal Pot Bill Planned For Maryland

With the legalization of the sale of recreational marijuana in Colorado as of yesterday, there is renewed interest in Maryland to pass similar legislation

Del. Curt Anderson, a Democrat who represents District 43 in the city, says he expects the chances are better than they've been before for a bill he's working on to make it out of committee and to get passed in both chambers in Annapolis.

In previous years measures that would remove criminal penalties have either died in committee or passed the Senate and then were not able to get enough votes on the House side.


  1. Go Maryland Bury could open a hookah lounge downtown Instant revitalization

  2. Saves on law enforcement courts cost and think of the tax revenue..new bussiness less crime..at least decrimnalize with fines no courts

  3. 438-There could be a downtown lounge today, since hookahs/hookah bars use tobacco. Might as well call it a bong bar and get passed a name most wouldn't recognize.

  4. I don't smoke the stupid crap but if recreational use became legal I would open the first pot store in Worcester County. I probably couldn't find a parking lot big enough to hold all the cars and VW buses. Oh yeah, I would make a killing on the stupid ass stoners.

  5. This is absolutely needed. It's getting harder and harder to live in Maryland without being stoned.

  6. Maybe alcohol won't be the only thing to worry about next NYE on the plaza.

  7. The Annapaholes are already on something!

  8. I have mixed feelings. On the one hand, far too much law enforcement money and manpower is being devoted to a fairly minor crime. On the other hand, I saw on the CBS Early Show the crowd lined up to buy grass legally for the first time in Colorado. What an unimpressive-looking bunch of stoners! No one who spoke to the reporter appeared to be firing on all cylinders.

  9. It will put cops out of business or force them to actually go after real criminals. It will also eliminate a major stream of illicit income for them.
    Think the FOP will lobby this much?

  10. Like Maryland need more stupid burnout potheads. This state is dumb enough as it is.

  11. The state makes certain guns illegal for law abiding citizens by calling the bill "gun safety" but now wants to make marijuana legal. What the hell??

  12. If Maryland put it to referendum it would pass.

  13. It should pass... The Government has no right to legislate social norms either liberal or conservative.
    Take the power from Government to do so.

  14. GOD made Grass
    MAN made booze
    WHO do you trust

  15. Think of all the jobs the booze industry created after prohibition was ended. Huge beer and liquor companies that provided plenty of legal jobs. They employee millions of people now.

    Obviously the law will never cause the hemp to cease existence, it's time to profit from those sales and create jobs.

    Legalizing industrial hemp alone will create many jobs and a new revenue for farmers.

  16. 7:11 Yeah, we're much better off with the current ALCOHOLICS and PILL HEADS.

    9:05 Then, when you buy "legal" marijuana, you will immediately lose ALL of your firearms, from the state. They get a double win, strip more people of their guns, and add a lot of taxes to their pockets! That's where it would go, anyway.

  17. Legalize it and the crooked Judges, Cops, and city officials will go broke, it ain't gona happen in corrupt Maryland!

  18. 'What an unimpressive-looking bunch of stoners! No one who spoke to the reporter appeared to be firing on all cylinders.'

    I know I should leave this alone, but my first thought was: "Wonder how many of these dopes voted for Dear Leader???".


  19. Let me make sure I understand:

    Using tobacco in any form = Bad
    Smoking in public = Bad
    Second hand smoke = Bad
    More than one drink = Bad
    DUI or DWI = Bad
    Illegal drugs = Bad

    Smoking weed = Neutral
    Driving stoned = Neutral
    Second hand weed smoke for kiddies = Neutral

    There is a serious contradiction at work here.

    We have enough issues with substances that can be used in moderation without impairment. Weed users seek some level of impairment as their reason for using it. And we have many folks who abuse more than one substance.

    It is a flawed concept, unless you're aspiring to the Choom Gang.

  20. Hemp, the strongest of the vegetable fibers, gives the greatest production per acre and requires the least attention. It not only requires no weeding, but also kills off all the weeds and leaves the soil in splendid condition. This, irrespective of its own monetary value, makes it a desirable crop to grow.

    Hemp is the standard fiber of the world. It has great tensile strength and durability. It is used to produce more than 5,000 textile products, ranging from rope to fine laces, and the woody "hurds" remaining after the fiber has been removed contain more than 77 percent cellulose, which can be used to produce more than 25,000 products, ranging from dynamite to Cellophane.

    The prohibition of hemp was conjured up by the likes of JD Rockefeller and Wm R Hearst, because of it threatening their timber forest industry and Paper Empire.

    It has less to do with refer madness and more to do about money.

    So for decades this renewable resource has been banned by the elite to protect their empires.

    Do some research people.

  21. I can't wait to legally smoke a joint then put my badge and gun on and protect and serve.


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