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Monday, January 27, 2014

Kim Jong-un Reportedly Executes Blood Relatives Of Once-Powerful Uncle As Purge Continues

North Korea ruler Kim Jong-un has reportedly ordered that all blood relatives of his executed uncle be put to death, continuing an apparent purge of all he sees as threats to his reign.

South Korea's Yonhap News Agency, citing multiple sources, reported Sunday that "extensive executions" of relatives of Jang Song-thaek had been carried out.

"All relatives of Jang have been put to death, including even children," one source told Yonhap. Among those reported dead were Jang's sister Jang Kye-sun, her husband and Pyongyang's ambassador to Cuba, Jon Yong-jin, and the North Korean ambassador to Malaysia, Jang Yong-chol, a nephew of Jang, as well as his two sons.



  1. I am Speechless. How in this century can these unspeakable acts occur.
    And Dennis Rodman is proud to call this person his friend?

  2. With any luck, he'll do the same to rodman!

  3. Coming to america near you...

  4. You think this doesn't happen (in it's own form) here in the USA? Just doesn't get the publicity.

  5. Hopefully he will kill himself.

  6. Oh yeah! we will go to the U.N and sent weapons to Syria and establish secret CIA bases (Benghazi) to help Muslims overthrow a tyrannical government (with oil reserves). But a true ruthless and bloodthirsty child dictator who is living the life of a billionaire while starving his people into dwarfism, cannibalism, and death while waving a nuclear threat at anyone who will listen, merely needs more "diplomacy".
    Our concern for human rights ends at the spigot for the oil pipeline.
    Plus, we are now scared sh**less of China, so we just do what they tell us now (how sad) and just shut the hell up.
    One can easily imagine in a few years, Somalia will threaten to invade us and obama will surrender, rather than "risk the lives of innocent muslims". Don't laugh....

  7. He had his uncle killed because there was'nt enough effort in his clapping for his speech.

  8. Time for a drone hit.

    No, not on on Kim Jung Il, Not Putin, Not the Saudi whatzisname.
    No, someone in this country, although the Saudi guy wouldn't be a bad parallel target.


  9. Guess they forgot to send him a Christmas card; he's just culling his list for next year.

    More realistically, absolute rulers are able to do absolutely what they wish. One of the main reasons our founders were insistent upon checks and balances between the branches and upon the executive. What happens when a cult of personality runs a country.

    List history's notable despots and look for the personality elements common to them.

    He's a third generation homicidal maniac ruling that unfortunate land.


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