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Monday, January 27, 2014

JUST IN: Caught in the Web: Comptroller Releases Names of Top 50 Tax Evaders

Baltimore, Md. (January 27, 2014) – Today, Comptroller Peter Franchot announced the names of the top 25 businesses and individuals collectively owing nearly $15 million in unpaid taxes, penalties and interest to the state of Maryland. Known as the Caught in the Web program, the Comptroller’s Office routinely publishes the list of the top 50 scofflaws on the agency’s website, as a public attempt to get people to pay.

“The Caught in the Web program highlights the small number of Marylanders who have chosen to take advantage of the benefits of this great state, but who make a conscious effort to avoid paying taxes,” said Comptroller Franchot.

“These are not people simply down on their luck and unable to pay, but individuals and business owners who knowingly thumb their noses at the vast majority of Maryland taxpayers who fulfill their legal obligations to the state,” he added.



  1. I used to know one of the women on the individual list. I ay "used to" because she has been dead for over seven years. Government efficiency at its best!

    1. Lol bet the government lets obama peeps move in...u know spread the wealth.

  2. Notice how, there all from the other side of the ditch.

  3. 3:08 except for the one from Salisbury

  4. “These are not people simply down on their luck and unable to pay, but individuals and business owners who knowingly thumb their noses at the vast majority of Maryland taxpayers who fulfill their legal obligations to the state,” he added.

    Well since the one with the Salisbury address is now out of business. I guess they are down on their luck.

  5. The dead woman is definitely down on her luck!

  6. Hey, when your state makes the atmosphere business unfriendly, businesses go bankrupt and close. There's no more money in these wells, Omalley! These folks were made destitute by you!

    Now you want to make them look like the bad guys. Right.

    You'd better start working to make business profitable here because by the time you're fired, you will have left this State in bankruptcy.


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