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Thursday, January 23, 2014

John Morgan’s Hypnosis Seminars Return To The Wicomico Youth & Civic Center

Salisbury, Md. – The Wicomico Youth & Civic Center is hosting John Morgan’s Hypnosis Seminars on Thursday, Feb. 6, 2014. The Stop Smoking Forever Seminar will begin at 6 p.m. and the Weight Loss Seminar will start at 8 p.m.

Put the fire in your desire to Stop Smoking Forever at this 2 hour John Morgan Hypnosis Seminar. Learn to outgrow the smoking pattern and make it part of your past. Quit smoking once and for all. Enter a relaxed frame of mind where you're receptive to stop smoking suggestions. Experience accelerated learning as your conscious filters relax quickly and you absorb life changing hypnotic suggestions without effort.

Finally, stop dieting and Lose Weight and Keep it Off! Diets are useful for temporary weight loss and nothing more. Learn to use your mind more than your mouth and achieve permanent results with Weight Loss Hypnosis. The John Morgan Lose Weight and Keep it Off! Seminar is a 2 hour experience where you'll get acquainted with the part of your mind that runs all your routines and discover how to effortlessly outgrow these patterns using hypnosis. Lose all the weight you desire safely and keep it off. Come to a John Morgan Weight Loss Hypnosis Seminar and get unstuck and get on the path to a slimmer, firmer, healthier you permanently!

To register for either hypnosis seminars, please call 800-735-6907. Visit http://johnmorganseminars.com for additional information.

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