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Wednesday, January 08, 2014

Iraq War Veterans Watch Losses Of Hard-Fought Gains In Fallujah

Robert Reynolds chokes up when asked to recall what it was like to be among U.S. forces who routed al Qaeda-linked fighters from the western Iraqi city of Fallujah a decade ago.

“We lost hundreds of men, so many men, and so many more men were injured,” said the former Marine, who received a Purple Heart for the bullet he took in the arm during the combat.

Like other Americans who put their lives on the line in one of the most intense U.S. combat operations in decades, Mr. Reynolds, 36, finds it hard to come to grips with news this week that Fallujah had fallen back into the hands of al Qaeda — just two years after U.S. forces pulled out of Iraq.


  1. Don't fret marine. Our men and women in uniform did everything they were asked to do and fought valiantly. It is not their fault that politicians sent them in on a bogus mission in the first place. Nor is it their fault that these groups are fighting a fight thats been ongoing for thousands of years. 100+k troops and another 10 years of US occupation and you would still have the same outcome, we would just be even more broke than we already are and have less of our heros to welcome home.

  2. All parents or anyone else who lost loved ones to that conflict should do a class action lawsuit against OBAMAJanuary 8, 2014 at 4:51 PM

    We have a Muslim President and 113th Congress that allows KING OBAMA I to do this.

  3. 451 to do what? could have swore obama was one of the few voices that was against going in from the very beginning. Do you think the US body count would decrease if we left our men over there?

  4. I agree with 4:50. And we continue to terrorize one country after the other, creating more terrorists to make more excuses to make more war, because it feeds the war machine at the cost of our Patriot's lives.

    We must be really smart.

  5. 4:51 WTF? That is stupid. The military did their job, we moved out (which should have happened as soon as we bombed and leveled that craphole) and then Iraq gave it up. It's on Iraq, and their sissified "army". We should leave them be, let them deal with their mess. They want to allow religion to take over? So be it.


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