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Friday, January 10, 2014

Illinois Taxpayers Paying Billions To ‘Manage’ Debt

Illinois taxpayers realize the state is buried in debt.

Illinois’ worst-in-the-nation pension systems alone owe at least $130 billion, but now comes a new warning about the high cost of simply managing that debt.

In her latest fiscal report, Illinois Comptroller Judy Baar Topinka warns that Illinois will see billion dollar payments in interest on the state’s exploding debt.

“(Last year) Illinois spent $1.45 billion on its general obligation bonds’ interest alone,” Topinka wrote in the December Fiscal Focus report. “Every dollar spent on interest is a dollar not spent on some other pressing need.”



  1. Those idiots keep voting dumbocrat, so who cares?
    They made the bed.......

  2. there for the grace of God goes Maryland if they do not remove the Democratic policies that are failing us Elhric had it right and those dem-marxist reversed the right track we were on...honestly it cant continue WAKE UP AND FIGHT OR MOVE


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