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Monday, January 13, 2014

If You Ever Had Any Doubt The Media Is Biased On Climate, This Should End Your Doubt

The indefatigable David Rose of Britain's Daily Mail, working with British climate blogger Tony Newberry, has today exposed bias in news reporting of climate change of a scale heretofore unknown, even for that never-accurately-covered subject.

He reveals that, in a move orchestrated by the BBC itself and a left-wing lobby group, the British government under the Labor Party paid for BBC personnel to be taught the left-wing, pro-alarmist spin on climate issues for the specific purpose of using the "news" as propaganda.

The seminar project was run by a BBC "journalist." A single seminar, paid for by British taxpayers, cost 67,000 pounds (about $110,00).

What's more, after blogger Newberry noticed, in Rose's words, "a passing reference" to the project "in an official report," the BBC spent at least 20,000 pounds (about $33,000) to keep the public from finding out.

This was done even as internal BBC documents bragged about the massive influence the program had on the BBC's coverage of climate issues.

Go here to read David Rose's story, which includes generous quotations of BBC personnel bragging about how influential its corruption is.

Go here to read Tony Newberry's Harmless Sky blog, where he has links to PDFs of damning primary documents proving the case against the BBC and the British government.



  1. Keep believing the Koch Brothers and put more billions in their pockets then

  2. The truth has a well-known liberal bias.

  3. Yeah maybe because the climate is changing on a scale never seen before. Ask Jersey residents about the last hurricane or those people living in the Phillippines about the last typhoon. More to come

  4. Keep believing hagwash like this and you all (Eastern Shore) will be the forst to need a life raft. Get a grip.

  5. LOL, the author encourages folks to check primary sources. I guarantee 90% of the readers who don't even know what that means. A majority of you seem to read a headline them immediately form an opinion. But you actually expect someone to take you serious in a debate over climate change. Now that is rich.

  6. 5:38-Worse yet,we vote,and our vote counts as much as yours,ha ha.

  7. 719 which is exactly the problem. People think an uninformed opinions are just as valid as hard facts these days.

  8. Read your Hurricane History books, Kids! They have been happening for thousands of years, and major ones have always been devastating. The dollar amount is only relative to two things; inflation and the amount of stuff we build on waterfront property in harm's way.

    Climate change has also been happening for thousands, no, millions of years. We once had an Ice Age, you know, until global warming came when the Mastodons found a fire caused by lightening!

    Morons are so easily fooled...

  9. 7:40 AM: Where did you receive your degree in climatology? You should get a refund of your tuition.


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