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Wednesday, January 22, 2014

How Obamacare Could Lead To Single Payer Sooner Than You Think

Obamacare At 'Significant' Risk of 'Death Spiral,' Economist Warns ... Economist John Goodman, who warned last October that Obamacare could plunge into a "death spiral" if not enough young, healthy people signed up for coverage, says that danger is now "significant" following news that the Obama administration failed to hit its young adult enrollment target. "I think there is a significant problem here," Goodman, president and CEO of the National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPA), told CNSNews.com. – CNS News

Dominant Social Theme: We'll get it right. We just need to do some tinkering.

Free-Market Analysis: Reading this article, we realized how the ol' switcheroo could take place that would shove Obamacare into a kind of "single payer" mode. It's not so hard to project – and it could happen sooner than any of us think, apparently.

Of course, such analysis could be looked on as "paranoid" or conspiratorial, but we're well past labels when we look at what's going on in the West. Maximum complexity has been reached, in our view. And not just complexity, but deviousness, authoritarianism ... in fact, whatever negative characteristics you can attribute to Western institutions are either in play or feasible.



  1. It is clear the ideology of the Obama regime is a failure.
    Obamacare has devastated America.
    The President and the liberal Democrat/Socialists that have supported him are solely to blame.
    Hold them accountable in elections this year and stop the Socialist movement that is corrupting America.
    Vote them down.

  2. If 'Single-Payer' can be held off by the currently elected conservative representatives, we should be able to repeal the entire mess (in spite of a veto by the Communist in Chief) after the upcoming mid-term elections.

    To ensure that - the non-Democrat voting electorate needs to decide which candidates to collectively back...and do it as a group so the conservatives can actually take back this country!

  3. The regime is hell bent on forcing commie-care on the population. With the gutless political opposition I think it and a host of other constitution trashing edicts will probably led to armed rebellion of the people. The government has been preparing for it.

  4. We already have a huge amount of the population on single payer. It is called Medicare and it is very popular.

  5. 1:29 you are an idiot. Comparing Medicare to Obozocare is like comparing a house fire to a frikkin atomic bomb as far as damage sustained. And no it is not "popular" it is another half assed government unsustainable government subsidy that people are forced to use because of how screwed up our economy has become under your glorious leader.


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