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Monday, January 27, 2014

Got A Charge For $9.84 On Your Credit Card? Beware

Wondering if your credit card number could be in the hands of a crook? Look for a charge for $9.84.

The Better Business Bureau issued a fraud alert last week about a raft of consumer complaints all reporting the same niggling charge. The business levying this fee may purport to provide “customer support,” or it may simply identify itself as any one of a number of different websites.

The fraud, uncovered by a former Washington Post reporter who writes an investigative blog called KrebsOnSecurity, apparently relies on consumer carelessness. Where an unfamiliar charge for a large amount would be spotted by most consumers, little charges can go unnoticed.


  1. "Microsoft" called me yesterday to alert me that my computer had been hacked. They needed to log on to my computer to assist. I told the that hacking is a crime, and as such, I needed to conference in the police department on the call so that they could know more from "Microsoft" about the particulars of this terrible thing. "Microsoft" somehow lost their phone connection with me. Go figure:)

  2. We got the same thing at work a few weeks ago. A lady from another deptartment took the call and then forwarded them to me in the IT department because she thought that something was fishy. In the end I was called a MFer after I told Raj that I had his phone number and was contacting the Better Business Bureau. A few weeks later one of my guys got a call from Microsoft too for the same thing.

    Way too funny. Please never let anyone connect to your computer unless you know them and definitely not someone with a foreign accent, that is unless you know them.

  3. I get these calls several times a month. I just tell them to go hack some else's computer. They're not getting at mine.


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