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Sunday, January 05, 2014

GOP Establishment Gears Up To Destroy Any Chance At Midterm Success In 2014

The establishment GOP in Washington hates the Tea Party and the conservative wing of the party more than they do the Democrats. They will make very clear that instead of riding a conservative wave to a landslide victory in the 2014 midterms, they will do everything in their power to sabotage conservative and Tea Party candidates for their own personal benefit.

Many establishment groups have been vocal about their strategy to attack principled conservatives. Karl Rove’s American Crossroads is “preparing an aggressive effort to groom and support more centrist Republican candidates.” The Chamber of Commerce, who supports illegal and cheap labor and wants to push for amnesty and further corporate welfare, recently devoted “at least 50 million dollars” to stop Tea Party candidates and promote moderate Republicans. Former Republican Rep. Steve LaTourette has started a PAC that has aired aids against the Tea Party in states where 2014 Senate contests will be held. Very few of the Republican commentariat do not demean and berate principled conservatives on a regular basis.



  1. I heard Rove on O'Reilly one night and I like him - he's a brilliant man - but I think he's wrong in this case.

    I think the Tea Party is a force to be reckoned with. People voted those folks in for the exact reasons we want them there. To enforce the Constitution and to shake up the career politicians hopefully to get them out.

    You can't do that if you aren't persistent. It could take a few years but the public will get tired of the same ole.

  2. Its about time we seriously get past the 2 party system, and give those of interest an equal shot.

  3. The GOP would be better served embracing the values the Tea party group endorses.

  4. Most of the mainstream Republicans are RINO's - leaning waaay to the left...then they can say lookey what we accomplished...by caving!

  5. I guess in this country you are free to shoot yourself in the foot, but why would you choose that?

  6. If we can raise so much interests over Duck Dynasty issues...surly we ca beat the EstablishmentJanuary 2, 2014 at 4:38 PM

    Time for TERM LIMITS and we need to gather as THE PEOPLE and make the change needed...

  7. This crap is coming from the Democrat party. It's called Divide and Conquer. You people are to stupid to see is happening. Remember what happened in the Virginia Governors race.

  8. Forget parties. Why don't you all demand leaders who stick to the facts and base their positions on a full blown analysis of the issues? Right now you are all getting fooled by any clown who can scream loud and come up with a catchy slogan. Hence you have so many folks that believe sarah palin is a genius but will bash any other woman who doesn't tow their preconceived political narrative.

  9. Wow! 655 is the ultimate Dem! Just the best reason to vote for TEA party candidates. GOP and Dems are on the same team. The sooner you realize this, the better off you're gonna be.

  10. The TEA party needs to win this time, whether they wear a Republican shoe like Ron Paul did or go out on their own. Republicans need to realize that the TP is an entity to be reckoned with, and if they won;t recognize it, and the dems don't either, then there is an official 3rd party.

  11. Yup 8:06 they are on the team that wants to improve America not tear it down.


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