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Saturday, January 18, 2014

Good Citizen Award Given To Hudson Family

The Hudson family, targets of a lawsuit alleging a non-existent pile of chicken manure on their Berlin-area farm polluted waterways, received the Citizenship Award from the Tri-County Council of the Lower Eastern Shore last month.

“I was shocked,” Alan Hudson said Monday. “Shocked and amazed. It was the last thing I expected. They surprised me. I can’t thank them enough.”

The Citizenship Award is given in recognition of outstanding service through leadership, responsibility, character and commitment that has produced a positive effect on Worcester, Wicomico and Somerset counties.


  1. And the Middle Finger Award goes to....Kathy Phillips!

  2. sincerely, I congratulate you for this, more than, well deserved award.

  3. Hooray for the Hudsons! And a big dog turd for Kathy Phillips!

  4. And the other Middle Finger Award should go to the University of Maryland system, the entire university system, for allowing university dollars and, therefore, tax dollars, to be used in a trumped-up bulls**t court battle that had absolutely NO basis in truth. I hope Kathy Phillips and those staff/students from UofMD sleep a little better knowing what complete trash they are for having pursued this awful case. Mr & Mrs Hudson, I salute you for your integrity and true grit. I wish I could ease your burden. Thank you!!

  5. Good choice for the award.

  6. Great choice for this award! Truly deserved.
    Kathy Phillips should direct her assets
    at the illegal alien problem or impeaching the lawless President or Eric the lawless and the DOJ.
    The law students at UMD would have an easy win there!

  7. Obama Crooked BastardJanuary 18, 2014 at 11:06 PM

    Awesome, Hudsons certainly deserve this. Im not sure who Kathy Phillips is in this case, can u explain.

  8. 11:06
    She was the tree hugger that was responsible for the court case against them.


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