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Wednesday, January 15, 2014

First Grader Told To Stop Talking About Bible

The parents of a six-year-old girl said their daughter was humiliated when a teacher interrupted the child’s one-minute speech and told her to sit down because she’s “not allowed to talk about the Bible in school,” attorneys for the California family allege.

The incident occurred Dec. 19 inside a first grade classroom at Helen Hunt-Jackson Elementary School in Temecula, Calif. The previous day the teacher instructed boys and girls to find something at home that represented a family Christmas tradition. They were supposed to bring the item to school and share the item in a classroom presentation.

Brynn Williams decided to bring the Star of Bethlehem that adorned the top of her family’s Christmas tree. She also worked on a one minute presentation to explain that her family’s tradition is to remember the birth of Jesus at Christmas time.


  1. You want kids talking about the Koran in school?
    No talk about any religion is the only real answer otherwise you open a whole can of worms.

  2. People are so funny. Say the kid was not a christian, but worshiped satan. Wouldn't you demand that the same action be taken? Or would you still feel that child had a right to express their religious beliefs also?

  3. 9:35 We are not a nation where everyone has to adhere to one belief.

  4. This child was asked to talk about a family christmas tradition. Christmas~ The celebration of Jesus birth. If the school feels that religion and the bible can not be discussed or shared why are they asking these children for a Christmas tradition.
    If this was my child I would defend her just as these parents have.


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