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Thursday, January 23, 2014

Fire The Speaker

It's Time for Real Leadership

Are you sick and tired of Washington spending trillions of dollars we can't afford? While Democrats are the driving force behind running up our national debt, growing the size of the federal government and wasting our money, all too often Republicans, led by Speaker John Boehner, are happy to go along for the ride. Under Speaker Boehner, the House has repeatedly voted to increase the debt ceiling - pushing us deeper into debt than ever before, voted to fund Obamacare - a disaster which continues to get worse, and just agreed to a 1500+ page bill (most didn't read) that will cost $1.012 trillion in new federal spending for 2014. The American people are desperate for principled leadership in Washington, not "go-along-to-get-along" capitulation. Sign the petition now! Then contact your Representative and tell them you are ready for real leadership. Tell them to fire the Speaker!


  1. Don't stop there. Fire all of them! None are there for the good of the people. It's all about them!

  2. vote all incumbants out

  3. They don't really want change.. the GOP needs to all be fired... Tell Andy Harris to fire Boehner and impeach King Obama....

  4. This spineless NWO RINO needs to go. We need a conservative leader that will stand up to the communist dictator regardless of the consequences.

  5. Sure -- just fine the Speaker. You all bi$$h about the Dems & now you want all the Republicans fired, too.
    Please try & make up your mind before the next election. Thank you.

  6. Mind is made up bro, commie Dems and NWO Republicans gotta (got to for the politically correct) go!

  7. Tea party,Tea party!


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